20 Mei 2008

Kebangkitan yang (masih) tertunda

Tahun ini Indonesia memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional yang ke-100.
Apa ada perbedaan antara hari ini dengan 100 tahun yg lalu? Dan ternyata...rakyat masih tetap merakyat, korupsi masih terjadi, bahkan BBM bakal naik tidak lama lagi. Bedanya (mungkin) dengan 100 tahun yang lalu rakyat ini tidak dijajah oleh bangsa lain melainkan dengan bangsa sendiri. Kalau saja tokoh-tokoh Kebangkitan Nasional diperkenankan untuk hidup kembali, apa ya pendapat mereka tentang Indonesia saat ini, tentang pemimpin-pemimpin negara, dan nasionalisme jiwa-jiwa muda.
Nasionalisme!Yup..itu salah satu kata kunci dari Kebangkitan Nasional.Tapi...(klo kata salah satu iklan di TV) " Mannnnaaaa.....ekspresinya...???" Sudah sangat jarang terlihat. Kok rasanya Nasionalisme saat ini hanya dimiliki oleh generasi orangtua atau bahkan (lebih parah lagi) kakek nenek kita. Menjamurnya sekolah-sekolah bertaraf Internasional sedikit banyak ikut mempengaruhi Nasionalisme generasi saat ini. Memang tidak bisa disalahkan juga sekolah-sekolah tersebut memberikan fasilitas yang jaaaaaaaaaauuuuh dari sekolah negeri (ya iyalah....secara gitu uang sekolahnya juga jauh berbeda!). Apakah sekolah-sekolah Internasional ini secara tidak langsung "menjajah" Nasionalisme generasi muda Indonesia? tidak menutup kemungkinan! Sekolah-sekolah, yang mungkin, pada awalnya dikhususkan untuk anak-anak expatriate namun saat ini malah dibanjiri anak-anak pribumi. Bisa saja beberapa tahun lagi generasi muda kita lupa lagu Indonesia Raya, UUD 1945, dan lupa apa itu Pancasila! Mereka juga lebih mengutamakan bahasa asing dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dibandingkan bahasa Indonesia. Bahkan kita pasti sering (minimal pernah) melihat orang Indonesia yang lebih bule dari orang bule itu sendiri.
Namun saya masih melihat Nasionalisme di sekolah tempat dimana saya mengajar. Padahal sebagian besar murid-murid masih termasuk dalam garis keturunan non-pribumi. Meskipun upacara hanya dilakukan sebulan sekali, tapi murid-murid berlatih dengan sungguh-sungguh. Mulai dari baris-berbaris sampai mengibarkan bendera Merah Putih. Bahkan setiap kali merayakan 17 Agustus, guru-guru expatriate pun ikut dalam upacara bendera. Murid-murid juga masih memperingati Hari Karini dan Hari Pendidikan (yang kebetulan memang bertepatan dengan ulang tahun sekolah) Saya tidak tahu apakah di sekolah International lain dilakukan hal sedemikian.
Kalau saya boleh memilih konsep pendidikan antara International School dengan National Plus School, saya lebih memilih National Plus School. Mengapa? karena saya tidak ingin murid-murid lupa ke-Indonesiaan-nya. Dan biarlah sekolah-sekolah International dikhususkan bagi anak-anak bule yang benar-benar bule agar mereka juga tidak kehilangan rasa cinta negaranya.
Akhirnya saya hanya bisa berpendapat, Kebangkitan Nasional saat ini hanyalah kebangkitan yang tertunda. Presiden Republik Indonesia sampai mencanangkan program Kebangkitan Indonesia selama 1 tahun (20 Mei 2008 – 20 Mei 2009) dengan slogan ”Indonesia Bisa!”. (hanya 1 tahun?100 tahun aja belum bangkit pak!) tapi mudah-mudahan tahun depan di tanggal yang sama Indonesia sudah bisa : memberantas buta huruf, memberikan sekolah gratis bagi yang tidak mampu, mengurangi penangguran, dan memberantas korupsi!

"Dont ask what your country have gived to you but ask what you have gived to your country!"
(Mulailah dengan hal-hal kecil. Jaga Indonesia dengan membuang sampah pada tempatnya)

Selamat Hari Kebangkitan Nasional.

14 Mei 2008


I've troubled with Speedy!
Somebody,please....help me!

12 Mei 2008

Earth Day..!!!

(it's should have been written on April, because we celebrate Earth Day on 22 April.but..never mind. better late than never.ok..lanjut)

Earth Day is one of two different observances, held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere , and autumn in the southern hemisphere. These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. The United Nations celebrates Earth Day each year on the March equinox, a tradition which was founded by peace activist John McConnell in 1969. A second Earth Day, was founded by U.S. politician Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in the late 1960s, is celebrated in many countries each year on April 22.

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day)

The image “http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9d/GaylordNelson.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Gaylord Nelson

Earth Day proved popular in the United States and around the world. The first Earth Day had participants and celebrants in two thousand colleges and universities, roughly ten thousand primary and secondary schools, and hundreds of communities across the United States. More importantly, it "brought 20 million Americans out into the spring sunshine for peaceful demonstrations in favor of environmental reform."

As we celebrate Earth Day at School, students were learning about How To Save The World in simple ways (our students are too young to know what this world is made of) such as throw the rubbish to the bin, saving water, and finishing your drink! The activity is painting on a bag with the theme "Save Our World". Parents were invited to accompany their child. well..it looks like a family fun day because they enjoyed this activity very much.

Here are pictures if you do not
believe me showing them really enjoying painting on a bag!

Cindy still happy do painting by herself without her mom n dad (but the teachers help you,honey!)

busy..busy..busy...cant stop painting!

Athaya was enjoy painting with her mom n dad

And the winner is.....

1st, Bianca

2nd, Michelle

3rd, Rachel


Europe Day..!!!

http://johnfenzel.typepad.com/john_fenzels_blog/images/2007/07/07/eu_flag.jpg As a student in European Studies, we celebrate "Europe Day" on 9 May

What's Europe Day?
well..i'll give a short explanation about it.

On 9 May 1950 the first move was made towards the creation of what is now known as the European Union (EU).

In Paris that day, against the background of the threat of a Third World War engulfing the whole of Europe, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read to the international press a declaration calling France, Germany and other European countries to pool together their coal and steel production as "the first concrete foundation of a European federation".

What he proposed was the creation of a supranational European Institution, charged with the management of the coal and steel industry, the very sector which was, at that time, the basis of all military power. The countries which he called upon had almost destroyed each other in a dreadful conflict which had left after it a sense of material and moral desolation.

Everything, therefore, began that day. That is why during the Milan Summit of EU leaders in 1985 it was decided to celebrate 9 May as "Europe Day".

Every country which democratically chooses to accede to the European Union endorses its fundamental values of peace and solidarity.

9 May 2008 - poster Today, the 9th of May has become a European symbol (Europe Day) which, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto and the single currency (the euro), identifies the political entity of the European Union. Europe Day is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another.

"it's not them and us, it's me and you. Happy Europe Day...!!!"