12 Mei 2008

Europe Day..!!!

http://johnfenzel.typepad.com/john_fenzels_blog/images/2007/07/07/eu_flag.jpg As a student in European Studies, we celebrate "Europe Day" on 9 May

What's Europe Day?
well..i'll give a short explanation about it.

On 9 May 1950 the first move was made towards the creation of what is now known as the European Union (EU).

In Paris that day, against the background of the threat of a Third World War engulfing the whole of Europe, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read to the international press a declaration calling France, Germany and other European countries to pool together their coal and steel production as "the first concrete foundation of a European federation".

What he proposed was the creation of a supranational European Institution, charged with the management of the coal and steel industry, the very sector which was, at that time, the basis of all military power. The countries which he called upon had almost destroyed each other in a dreadful conflict which had left after it a sense of material and moral desolation.

Everything, therefore, began that day. That is why during the Milan Summit of EU leaders in 1985 it was decided to celebrate 9 May as "Europe Day".

Every country which democratically chooses to accede to the European Union endorses its fundamental values of peace and solidarity.

9 May 2008 - poster Today, the 9th of May has become a European symbol (Europe Day) which, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto and the single currency (the euro), identifies the political entity of the European Union. Europe Day is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another.

"it's not them and us, it's me and you. Happy Europe Day...!!!"

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